Tulip Credits
You love flowers and local tulips will absolutely make your home brighter in the winter.
Tulips Credits come with the promise of good things to come.
As a Tulip Credit buyer, you will get first option on tulips when they are available.
-Yes, that includes tulips for your special days like VALENTINES & EASTER!
Tulip Credits are a way for you to pay once and secure first priority on tulips as they bloom.
❀ Each credit buys you a baker's dozen (13) stems of super specialty tulips.
❀ Be first to receive notice when tulips are available
❀ Buy 4 or more credits and get discount
❀ Buy your credit now to be first to get your Tulips in January, February, March and April.
Tulip Credits put you at the top of the list every week they are available mid-January - April.
Each credit buys one bunch of 13 stems of specialty locally grown tulips. Purchase 4 or more Credits and you save!
Use the credits all at once or spread them out throughout the winter.
Credits must be used by April 30th